Yoga For Sex

That’s right, yoga is a great addition to your routine to limber you up, settle your mind and assist you…

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The Throat Chakra

The real definition of the Throat Chakra is actually the voice of the body.  The whole purpose of the voice chakra…

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The 3rd Eye Chakra

Chakra’s a Sanscrit word which stands for a wheel. Chakras are wheels of energy and they help us function at…

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All You Need To Know About The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the seventh Chakra. It also goes by the Sanskrit name Sahaswara, which when translated to English…

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The 3rd Chakra – Manipura!

The whole universe consists of energy, and your body is not immune to these energies. Many years ago, before the…

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Working With Passion!

There a lot of people, who for whatever reason, will at some stage find themselves unhappy at work!  Indeed, a…

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Get Motivated!

If you have learnt how to change your thinking you should be able to see much clearer now – let’s…

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Self Passion Benefits

We have already discussed what Passion is, now we will learn as to the benefits of having passion in your…

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